Friday, 25 April 2014

The BIG Screen.

Recently, I visited the cinema twice and I thought that I would share my thoughts on the movies that I saw. 

Firstly, my friend and I went to see 'The Amazing Spiderman 2".
I'm unsure, and so was he, whether we had seen the first one or not but we are both big fans of the original and were looking forward to seeing it non-the-less. I didn't have any expectations because I was just excited to be going to the movies and watching a 3D film! From the start right up until the end I was thoroughly entertained and found myself laughing in parts, gripping to my friends arm in others and even crying. I'm not sure that I like the idea of recreating Spiderman again and think that after the first three Spiderman's maybe this is too much. I didn't like Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker because I was so set in my ways with Tobey Maguire as the actor. Andrew is definitely not as geeky or as insecure as Tobey and this made me almost not like Spiderman. I feel as if the Amazing Spiderman is more centred on the action, although there is definitely the emotional storyline to it, the romance and family hardship are less in depth compared to the action side of things. The producer definitely played with the fast-changing audience, as the visual effects were incredible and there was one scene in particular that was quite horrifying. The film was quite long and in some parts it did feel like it was dragging on for too long but for the majority it was easy to sit through. I would rate this movie a 7/10 and would definitely recommend that you go and check it out. 

Secondly, I had planned a full day of shopping and cleaning and getting my life back on track (because at the moment it is a complete mess) but then woke up and realised that it was ANZAC day and nothing is open, so instead I went to the movies by myself to get out of the house and waste some time. I was originally going to see Transcendence (the new Johnny Depp film) but opted for an easier, more girly watch; The Other Woman. 
I definitely chose a really bad day to go the movies by myself, it was crazy in there! There were kids running everywhere, couples everywhere I turned and I even saw a few familiar faces (yes, this was a negative). Anyway, I got myself a small popcorn and took a corner seat and watched. It was just an average chick-flick really. It was funny, sad and romantic and was definitely a no-brainer (which was good for me on this particular day). Leslie Mann plays Kate, the wife, and oh boy is she hilarious, however I did feel quite awkward laughing at the funny bits when I was there by myself, I'm not sure why but I would definitely recommend you to go and see this with a girlfriend so then you can laugh together. Cameron Diaz is as gorgeous as ever, same goes for Kate Upton and Leslie is just so cute. The story line was quite good, a bit more sophisticated then "John Tucker Must Die" which I think was appropriate and made it more interesting. It is one of those predictable movies, although when Nikki Minaj popped up as an actor in it with the camera focused on her booty I was quite surprised. I rate this a 5/10 because on any other day I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it but for today it was definitely worth while to get me out of the house. 

Going to the movies is a great date idea or just for something to do with friends or even by yourself. Movies are an easy thing to converse over and are a great way to relax and just hang out. They are quite pricey so maybe not something for every weekend but definitely once in a while they are great, especially when there are good ones out. My advice would be to go on days when it is less likely to be a full cinema and if you can avoid going by yourself then do it because everyone needs a bit of company (choose your company accordingly). Treat it as 'going out' and dress up a little if you don't get to very often, even wear a bit of lippy if your game. I would love to hear any movies that you guys would recommend for me, I enjoy all sorts so pop me an email if you wish.

PS thank you so incredibly much for your most appreciated help, my blog has had over 2000 views. Please let me know if you liked this post and what sort of posts you like the most. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Love, love, love.

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