Being polite is something that has been ingrained in my being since I was little, thanks Mum and Dad. I remember when I was a kid people would stare at me with a surprised expression after hearing me say "Thank you very much!" I guess they were surprised not just because they had a polite three year old standing in front of them with a big chubby grin on her face but because manners are a rarity in society today. I think this is unfortunate because manners are such a lovely thing. Letting people know that you truly appreciate what ever it may be that they have done for you, no matter how small, is so easy and can have such an impact on someone. I know that when I am thanked or even when a stranger walking by smiles and says hello to me, I feel so much more joyful. Knowing that people appreciate you being kind and going out of your way to help them is truly such a fabulous feeling. By going about my day, smiling at the passers-by, thanking shop keepers when I have finished in their stores, saying please when I place my order for a large soy chai latte, and topping it all off with "have a nice day" makes me feel so much better inside. It's like a sun has just sprouted in my stomach, warming up my insides.
Today, I saw a man with his beautiful dog on the side of the street, he wasn't asking for money but simply having a play with his dog. Seeing people who don't have a bed to sleep in at night or food to feed themselves breaks my heart. I don't consider how they got in that situation but rather consider myself extremely lucky. I gave this man five dollars and he looked me straight in the eye and said "thank you, thank you so much, thank you." This amazes me, this guy who has nothing but the clothes on his back for warmth is thanking me for giving him money that is considered almost worthless to the majority of people today. I felt like crying and going to the bank and getting out all of my money and giving it to him. I was so happy for him that he had his dog for company, to know that he has someone to get through this tough time by his side. My heart just dropped and I wanted to tell him and his dog to come and live with me until he got himself a job or a plan or anything, but of course I couldn't. So instead I gave him the money, looked him in the eye and said "that's absolutely fine, good luck with everything." I then gave his dog a pat and left. If this man who has hit absolute rock bottom can still breathe a "thank you" then I don't understand how someone who has everything they could ever dream of can not even give a simple smile.
My mind is going all fuzzy because it is way past my bed time but the point of this rant was just a small reminder to be a little more polite, even if you're having a bad day there is always room for a quick "thanks". Manners make you a more approachable person; they show positivity and appreciation and that is absolutely grand. Vice versa, helping people and just being generally kind to those around you by acknowledging their presence with a smile or holding the door open for them can turn someones day around. By putting yourself in worth of thanks and giving thanks to those who are in worth of it makes this world that we live in a lot nicer and it is oh so simple, so make someone's day and give them a compliment whilst giving up your seat for them and in return you shall be thanked.
On a side note, I saw this poster at work today and fell in love with this models looks. My goodness! Look how incredible she is! Some of the amazing people that I work with said I have similar features and it got me thinking about dying my hair this colour. What do you think? Please let me know, I would love to hear your opinions. Thank you so much.
Love, love, love.
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