Monday, 31 March 2014

Remember the kid you are.

I am currently in my first year of University studying Biomedical science. I want to ultimately become a Physiotherapist but unfortunately my ATAR wasn't as high as I needed to get straight into Physio so I've had to start my studies in Biomed, which is okay because the first year is basically just introductory stuff so the two do relate. To get into a course for Physio next year I have to have as many high distinctions (HDs) as I possibly can get and so far it's not looking too good.
With all this pressure I am thinking that maybe Physio isn't for me but I am just so scared to be nothing "when I grow up". I have never been really good at anything, therefore when I decided that I would go to Uni I didn't really know exactly what I wanted to do. I chose Physio because I find the human body fascinating and I want to help people. Physio allows me to do this all over the world because science doesn't change and the same principles apply in treating people anywhere. So I guess I'm heading in the right direction.

So far uni life has been fairly boring, kind of like my first term in high school really; I don't know anyone and it's in a town that I'm not from. The only difference is that there isn't really any cliques and everyone is a lot friendlier, also I don't have to wear some horrid uniform that some old woman designed to make herself look better than all of the students. I have met new people but have mostly stuck to myself because I don't think the social part of me is really up to scratch yet. 

The first thing I thought of when I walked into uni was how beautiful everyone was, I felt like a potato compared to all of the angelic beings surrounding me, the second thing was "oh my goodness! Coffee is the best!" and the third thing was "I need an iPad". Now that five weeks have past my thoughts have changed and if I were to speak them in words they would sound like this "blfsjgbshgtwyrrhbgjsfhgowurhgowmzz". 

Being a full-time student, living with a stranger, buying my own food and paying bills is all too 'adult-like' for me, I think I need to start realising that these things are just like  playing 'teachers', being at a sleepover, making mud pie and earning pocket money for painting my dad's fingernails. 

Love, love, love.

The Dawn.

Hello to you,
Thank you for stumbling across my blog in whichever way you did, I hope that you didn't hurt yourself and it was a nice gracious fall. I am new to this whole blog game and am very pleased to have jumped into it. If you are an experienced blogger or have any helpful little tips or even just some nice comments please let me know. You can request to follow me on Instagram if you would like @bejoyd and I will most likely accept you, unless my mood has fluctuated to the dark side in which case I am apologising in advance. This blog will most likely turn into a place for my ramble but maybe you'll get something from it; I really do hope that I don't waste your precious time. Anyway, I hope you're having a wonderful morning/day/afternoon/evening/night and are feeling chuffed with the fabulous person that you are.
I shall be posting when procrastination takes over my mind or I actually have something that is interesting to share with all of you.
Love, love, love.